
Welcome to the first release of our all new Beach SCENE Video Magazine. We’ve come a long way from the first issue of Beach Music SCENE Magazine. We realize some will love it…and some will not. But, this was a necessary change to be able to continue a good thing. We’re introducing two new web properties with this release….http://beachscene.us and http://magazine.beachscene.us.

What’s New?

-The Name

The name has changed from Beach Music SCENE Magazine to Beach SCENE Magazine. We changed the name to open up the magazine’s reach. We’re huge beach music fans, and will still include coverage of the industry, we just needed to broaden our reach to justify the cost of production.

-We’re 100% Digital

The cost of printing and distributing a (printed) magazine is substantial. We can distribute to a much larger audience at a fraction of the cost as a digital publication….and we don’t have the thousands of dollars in print and handling costs. We know many of our readers prefer to have a paper copy of the magazine. To them we offer our sincere apologies. We hope you warm up to all the new platform has to offer.

-What is a Video Magazine?

Although this first issue has some static ads that we’re running from the previous issues, we will eventually only produce video ads. Engagement in video far exceeds that of static ads. We’re able to get more eyes on our supporters’ ads this way….and improve their return. We need advertisers to produce the publication. We owe them the most bang possible for their dollars.

Contributors Welcome

Let us know if you would like to contribute your writing to our magazine. You may contact us HERE.

Supporters Welcome

Please contact us HERE to be an advertiser in Beach SCENE Magazine.

Please feel free to share the links to our content with your friends in email and social media.

Kaylla Hall